Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Positive Excitement & Enthusiasm!

"I'm excited about this!" "This is hot!" "Our team is on fire!" "I love this product!" "Everyone loves this product!" "I can't keep the product in!" "I'm on a sponsoring blitz!" "Nothing can stop me...I'm on fire!" "I'm having so much fun doing this!" "My team is awesome!" "The next one is even better!" "I can't wait to tell you all about it!" "I'm cookin!" Here are just a handful of phrases that you need to internalize & say out loud every day. They empower you & change your outlook & income. You will attract great, positive people & achieve positive results with these phrases. When negative flows from your mouth, the energy in the room changes. You bring people down around you. People can hear that negative in your voice. Good people are not drawn to you. Get rid of the negative. You want to win? Be a winner! You want to make millions? Act like a millionaire. You want to meet great people? Be a great person. Surround yourself with positive energy - positive people - positive activity. Start your day with a brisk walk. Put your headset (ipod) on with positive, energized music & move your body for 45 minutes. Take in the sights. Smell the flowers. Look at the beauty of nature and say out loud, "I love life!" I used to call this in business building - BUSINESS ENERGY. Before you can effectively talk to people & attract them to your business, you have to change your energy - your paradigm (as Steven Covey states in "Seven Steps of Highly Successful People") If you aren't getting results...look in the mirror. Be the kind of person that you would want to hang around with. Be like who you most admire. Emulate happiness. In fact, someone great once told me that not only is "success is a choice", but "you choose to be happy." It's amazing how thoughts & words can create or destroy your lifestyle. Be the person you are supposed to be. Be an awesome person! Positive, Energized, Enthusiastic Excitement will bring you more money than you can ever spend. But more importantly...it will attract to you great things & great people. It's all about you & your attitude. (Attitude determines Altitude!) Look in the mirror. Love what you see. Tweak the flaws & make things happen... with positive excited enthusiasm for life!

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