Monday, June 30, 2008

The System for Success

In the perfect network marketing world (our Vemma/Verve world), everyone that gets involved as a member on our team immediately plugs right into the system that we have in place for them to succeed. The system is simple & very easy to follow. First - is our exclusive support site that's total goal is to simplify business building, putting all important links, downloads, training basics, information, call schedules & numbers, etc. under one roof. New members get confused when there are too many choices, or have to hunt for information, so we have tried with this support site to gather everything there with simple tabs on the left hand side to help navigate easily. New members need to go to first & click on GETTING STARTED - four simple steps are outlined there - to read & listen to as well. Simple tools for this GETTING STARTED first step includes the Memory Jogger, Prospect 100 List, etc. - the backbone basics to building the business. Send your new team members to first, & whenever a new site becomes available with an additional tool that we think is effective, we will list it under IMPORTANT SITES. Encourage your new members to explore this support site to see what all the excitement is about, to LISTEN & LEARN, & to feel like they are an important part of our team. Plug them in. Second - every Monday evening there is a live, interactive very important leadership team call at 9pm ET. (Mute out by pressing *6 please). This call's total purpose is to rally & update the team, create team spirit & motivation, & give an as-needed training bite that can be utilized during the week by all team members. DO NOT MISS THIS CALL. If everyone jumped on, we'd accomplish so much in the way of communicating with our team all in one 20 minute call a week! Third - are our Thursday night business building live conference call at 9pm ET, replayed at 10pm ET. This is our strong Opportunity Overview call, with a 10 minute Fast Start training at 9:45pm in between the call & replay. The goal of all members should be to have a guest on this call - every week! The format is like attending a 20 minute meeting in your PJ's, jam-packed with company intro, product explanation & testimonials & compensation plan highlight. Numbers, additional calls, codes & times are listed under EVENTS. If ever confused on call numbers, check there. Fourth - are our recorded Hotlines - often called "successlines" - another tool in our system to help build your business fast. Use the Hotlines when you are on the phones or out & about meeting people & you need a validation to your opportunity. You simply 3-way call into the Hotlines & listen with your Prospect. The number for the Hotlines is (678) 298-4595. These calls are available 24/7 for your convenience. To recap - the perfect network marketing world of Vemma and Verve, everyone automatically plugs into the system - uses the support site - plugs into the team call on Monday night - are putting guests on the weekly calls - using the recorded hotlines with their prospects in person, face to face, or at a weekly "tasting" & everyone is celebrating success together; as a team; creating momentum & making mega money. It works, guys. My goal is to see it duplicate & explode your businesses. Let's rock 'n roll!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


There's an old MLM phrase that is initialed - F O R M. It stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation & Message. You use F O R M when talking to people; to determine where to deliver your message of opportunity. When you enroll into this fabulous business, your "business building radar" is activated as you use this F O R M to ask questions. Examples - (F) "Tell me about your family...any children?" (O) "Do you like your current job?" (R) "What do you do for fun?" People usually have a couple of common concerns that fall into these categories. They don't like their jobs or boss, wish they had more time with their family, need more money to enjoy life, or would love to have more free time to travel or golf, or whatever activity is their hot button. When asking a question, it's important to ask another question about the answer. For example - "I wish I had more time with my kids" - ask..."what would you do with your kids if you had more time?" Then LISTEN to what they are saying. They will tell you how to customize your opportunity just for them. You see, team...everyone needs our product. And most everyone is swallowing something out there to make them feel better. Whether it's handfuls of pills, drinking jungle juices, or energy drinks --- we have what they not only NEED but WANT. That's not a question. It's how to determine their NEED for this OPPORTUNITY. You ask the questions. You listen to their answer. You ask another question about the question. You listen. Then you deliver your message and lead with the opportunity. Example - "I have found a way to free up my time, make extra money & feel awesome!" Just ASK, LISTEN, ASK, opportunity. We have the best ...product, company, pay plan & support. All it takes is you asking the questions. With passion, focus, consistency & enthusiasm... you will build your Vemma/Verve Empire one person at a time. F O R M... ask yourself these questions first. Your answers will be your WHY.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Important Area Meeting

Holding an area meeting is the only way you can create area momentum for your business. The meeting is the most effective way to share the dream and build the team. Call it a "Verve Tasting" - a "PBR" (Private Business Reception) - a "Home Meeting" - or a "Business Briefing" - whatever the name, it is where people gather once a week, bring a guest (physically pick them up and driving with them to the meeting), hear the testimonials and share their story from the front of the room. It really doesn't matter how large or small the weekly meeting is in the beginning. When you gather your team together, something simply "magical" happens. It's called - synergy! And this synergy creates excitement about the business. And, you will definitely start small. It may be you & one other person that you have enrolled to start things out - in your home or apartment. However, the next week both of you must bring one guest & then you will have four. The next week all four of you bring just one guest & you will have eight. (Get the picture?) Team - I started right where each of you are starting - from my home. I had only one guest in front of me. I, however, shared my excitement & story...& I grew businesses to 6 figure monthly incomes! You can do this too. Meetings have always worked, & will continue to work with network marketing. It's a people-to-people business. In this high tech world, networking is all about high-touch. People like the sorority/fraterity "friendshippy" feel meetings create. Guests come, in many cases, as a favor to the person who invited them, or just to feel a part of what is going on. And it is the only place to create real team spirit & area momentum! Know this... you do meetings for two main purposes - 1) to share the "dream" with the existing team, & 2) to share the "dream" with new people. This "existing team" concept is very important - your ANCHOR. Some of your team members may be doing very little in the business, but after attending a couple of small meetings alone - hearing the stories shared - having the dream painted again for them in front of the room - possibly sharing their product success story with others in attendance - they may suddenly catch fire & really step up and build a huge business for you - just because they attended a weekly meeting! Just make sure to be CONSISTENT with those weekly meetings. Having a monthly meeting or a "sometime" meeting doesn't cut it. Nothing will happen in your area because you are not creating momentum for your area to plug into. Momentum is magnetic! People will want to know what you are doing! The don't want to miss out. Momentum is only created with a consistent ... same time, same place ... meeting that your team can count on. Your team needs to know that if they go out & talk to new people today (in person or on the phones) that they have a place to bring those new Prospects to for validation of the opportunity. (I find Tuesday night works best - but you can choose.) Just do them & watch your business explode! Personal Note - Even if you are the one conducting the area weekly meeting, make sure that you bring a new guest every week too! Set the example & your team will follow your lead. And...make sure to listen to How to Hold a Verve Tasting here at Keep it short, fun & exciting...& consistent!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Begin with the End in Mind

My friends know that I'm a big Steven Covey fan, especially with his best seller, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". One of his key seven habits is to begin with the end in mind. That means to stay focussed on your outcome - knowing what it is you want from anything worthwhile in life. With building your Vemma and Verve business, that is to sponsor new people onto your team and help them anchor their teams with enrolling team members. Building strong. And with our fabulous product (two delivery systems - energized or regular Vemma), double-blind clinical studies, solid foundation of a parent billion dollar company, we just all need to put blinders on and build our teams. Our "end" should be "walk away" residual income. Many of us work at other "jobs" where if we don't work - we make zip money. Example - I teach private vocal lessons from my home/studio. I love teaching and will always do it. It's why I went to college, majoring in music education and vocal performance. However, if I don't teach my great 20+ students a week at $40 a 1/2 hour lesson, guess what? I make no money. Tomorrow morning I leave for Puerto Rico to watch my pro basketball player son, Chris, play in the finals. I'll be gone for couple of weeks. I lose about $2,000.00 in teaching money because I'm not here to teach those great students, Vemma check will continue to grow! That's the "magic" of Network Marketing. You build it to walk away from it. To be truly RETIRED in comfort with a lifestyle of a rock star. So, when retailing that product...retail for a reason. Reason? To enroll them into the business and see who they know that you can enroll and anchor their team. Begin with the end in mind and you will enjoy the lifestyle of freedom of time and money!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Get Involved

In listening to Ann Howard, our first team Platinum, on tonight's Thursday Business Presentation call, I couldn't help but smile. I do that whenever I talk to Ann. She is so excited about "live"! She loves people. She loves Vemma and Verve and what the products have done for her, and she shares that personal excitement about the products with everyone within three feet (the ole' three foot rule!) Ann's biggest secret to her fast success with Vemma is that she gets involved in everything she can. If she's not singing or playing the piano in her church choir - she's doing something with her local jug band, meeting the ladies of Red Hat for monthly lunch, attending a sorority meeting, attending bible class, and tonight she talked about her new computer class. And she doesn't just "sneak in" unnoticed. Ann is sitting on the front row sharing her website with the class so that the teacher will shine it up on the board for all to see, clicks to demonstrate setting up a website and up pops Ann's picture...there again, opening yet another door for Ann to talk about her Vemma and Verve with all in attendance. Ann's involved. She's living life to its fullest and sharing from her heart her deep love of the products and business. And her sincerity is building her a huge Vemma and Verve business. Yes, I'm smiling tonight after hearing Ann's latest weekly update of success. In fact, I called Ann on Tuesday to touch base and she said, "I can't talk now - I'm too busy signing new people up. Got 5 new ones this week!" That's cool Ann. You are the best. You are involved and making a difference in people's lives all around you. You are leaving your mark, girlfriend. At any age (Ann is 80) - you are living life to it's fullest! God bless you. xoxo

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Positive Excitement & Enthusiasm!

"I'm excited about this!" "This is hot!" "Our team is on fire!" "I love this product!" "Everyone loves this product!" "I can't keep the product in!" "I'm on a sponsoring blitz!" "Nothing can stop me...I'm on fire!" "I'm having so much fun doing this!" "My team is awesome!" "The next one is even better!" "I can't wait to tell you all about it!" "I'm cookin!" Here are just a handful of phrases that you need to internalize & say out loud every day. They empower you & change your outlook & income. You will attract great, positive people & achieve positive results with these phrases. When negative flows from your mouth, the energy in the room changes. You bring people down around you. People can hear that negative in your voice. Good people are not drawn to you. Get rid of the negative. You want to win? Be a winner! You want to make millions? Act like a millionaire. You want to meet great people? Be a great person. Surround yourself with positive energy - positive people - positive activity. Start your day with a brisk walk. Put your headset (ipod) on with positive, energized music & move your body for 45 minutes. Take in the sights. Smell the flowers. Look at the beauty of nature and say out loud, "I love life!" I used to call this in business building - BUSINESS ENERGY. Before you can effectively talk to people & attract them to your business, you have to change your energy - your paradigm (as Steven Covey states in "Seven Steps of Highly Successful People") If you aren't getting results...look in the mirror. Be the kind of person that you would want to hang around with. Be like who you most admire. Emulate happiness. In fact, someone great once told me that not only is "success is a choice", but "you choose to be happy." It's amazing how thoughts & words can create or destroy your lifestyle. Be the person you are supposed to be. Be an awesome person! Positive, Energized, Enthusiastic Excitement will bring you more money than you can ever spend. But more will attract to you great things & great people. It's all about you & your attitude. (Attitude determines Altitude!) Look in the mirror. Love what you see. Tweak the flaws & make things happen... with positive excited enthusiasm for life!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Fortune is in the Follow-Up!

The fortune is in the follow-up with building your Vemma & Verve business, and enrolling new members. This crucial part of the "enrolling" process is always where distributors fail to see it through to the end. Once you have made the initial contact with a person & delivered your One Minute Message (listen to Approaching Anyone), the enrolling "process" begins with follow up, and continues with follow-up until the result of enrolling them into your business is achieved. This crucial follow-up process includes a number of "exposures" to your tools & opportunity. The exposures include: 1) Sending your Prospect a couple of clips, 2) Sending your Prospect to your myvemma or myverve website, 3) Having your Prospect listen to a conference call either Tuesday or Thursday evening with you (3-way Call), 4) View a Ruth Elliott Wednesday Webinar with you, 5) Inviting them to attend a Verve Tasting or meeting in your area with you, etc. All of these tools are merely "exposures" that move your Prospect closer & closer to making that exciting & important decision to getting involved with you & being a part of your team! And they may not need all of those exposures. They may get involved after just tasting our fabulous product! Just know that if you are excited with your follow-up, your personal energy will ignite them into taking immediate action! Your job is to simply guide your Prospect through these exposures, making sure to always ask - with every exposure- to get involved with you immediately! Simply say - "grab your spot...this is hot!...we can always reevaluate later to see if you want to make some money with us." Important - when they say "yes" - help them get enrolled. Note - I personally take their credit card number & do it for them - setting up their myvemma & myverve website at the same time, then I help them start their Prospect 100 List (using the Memory Jogger here at, help them start calling their contacts & book a Verve Tasting at their home - doing it with them! (Field Training!) The fortune is so in the follow-up, so folks --- NEVER hesitate to see it through, & get them involved as soon as possible. Complete the "process" by getting them involved & into immediate action. And, of course ... plug them into!!!