Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Sense of Urgency!!!

So important to business building is creating that important "sense of urgency". It's the - do it now - grab your spot thing that creates momentum with your business. That's why it's important to really buckle down and BLITZ your biz every few months & to sponsor in spurts. You have to go crazy for a six week period of time enrolling anyone & everyone that "fogs a mirror!" It's a numbers game & you are literally gathering autoships. When you enroll ten people into your business, the numbers will show 9 "using" the product 2 sort of slowly building the biz & 1 will be key for you as a leader. So do the math. Sponsor 100 people so that your numbers anchor your business with 80 users on autoship & 10 building the business. With an energy drink that gives you vitamins, minerals & mangosteen ... what's there to think about. Everyone needs it. But you have to create urgency. Start with yourself. Start your business fresh & new every Monday morning. Pump yourself up. Fire yourself Sunday evening & rehire yourself Monday morning. Plug into the calls & work like a madman to bring in new people. Talking to the same negative people day after day will drag you down & you won't see success. Find new. Tell them to not miss the boat! Tell them to "taste this ... grab your spot ... evaluate later!" Never prejudge who will actually be key for you. Just enroll away & work with those who work. And...create a sense of urgency!!!

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