Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's There To Think About?

"What's there to think about? The product is a PLUS vitamins, essential minerals & mangosteen. Free enrollment. No more choking down handfuls of pills or gagging nasty tasting jungle juices. No more guessing what to take for optimum nutrition. Just grab your spot & we'll reevaluate later to see what money you are leaving on the table!"
Team ... when you really take a look at the opportunity Vemma offers you, what's there to think about except how many people you can share your One Minute Message with a day, & how many people you can enroll a week by close of biz Thursday? I know --- think about all of the people you will be helping with the fabulous Vemma formula. Think about all of the things you've wanted to do but time or money kept you from doing them. Think about the freedom of time you'll have when you don't have to answer to a boss or punch a time clock. Think about not fighting traffic to get to a job-job. Think about helping others achieve success. Think about "lifestyle"... Vervin' Style!!! Set new goals. Write new lists. Plan your BLITZ PARTIES. Invite everyone to take a look at what you are doing, use the tools (, PLASTER PLAN your area & change your mindset. It's not...I can't find anyone to share the biz with. It's...WHAT'S THERE TO THINK ABOUT? THIS IS HOT!!! LET'S BLITZ!!!!!

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