Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Sense of Urgency!!!

So important to business building is creating that important "sense of urgency". It's the - do it now - grab your spot thing that creates momentum with your business. That's why it's important to really buckle down and BLITZ your biz every few months & to sponsor in spurts. You have to go crazy for a six week period of time enrolling anyone & everyone that "fogs a mirror!" It's a numbers game & you are literally gathering autoships. When you enroll ten people into your business, the numbers will show 9 "using" the product 2 sort of slowly building the biz & 1 will be key for you as a leader. So do the math. Sponsor 100 people so that your numbers anchor your business with 80 users on autoship & 10 building the business. With an energy drink that gives you vitamins, minerals & mangosteen ... what's there to think about. Everyone needs it. But you have to create urgency. Start with yourself. Start your business fresh & new every Monday morning. Pump yourself up. Fire yourself Sunday evening & rehire yourself Monday morning. Plug into the calls & work like a madman to bring in new people. Talking to the same negative people day after day will drag you down & you won't see success. Find new. Tell them to not miss the boat! Tell them to "taste this ... grab your spot ... evaluate later!" Never prejudge who will actually be key for you. Just enroll away & work with those who work. And...create a sense of urgency!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Watch this video!


Like anything else in life - schooling, dieting, crafting, playing pro basketball, etc. - one must be consistent with their efforts to work towards their goals of completing the project. Being consistent is key to success. My son, for example, consistently works out, following a very strict diet & workout program designed by his trainer, everyday to keep himself in optimum shape for his pro basketball career. He shoots 1000 free throws a day for the muscle memory development & consistency with shooting under pressure. I watched that consistency & dedication to his profession, even through the injury times when he was told his career would be over due to back challenges & major ankle & feet problems. He just knew what he wanted & never lost sight of his goals. He sometimes doubted himself & felt that self pity that all of us feel at times (why is this happening to me with the injuries), but had that burning desire to achieve & was consistent with his hard work & training every day without fail. His consistency has paid off big time for him. And your consistency will pay off for you if you stay on task & work at the business everyday. If you have two hours a day to work the business, buckle down & "clock in" & be laser focused on doing "income generating" activity during those two hours. Don't straighten your desk or pretend you are working. Actually do those tried & true basic things that get your financial business goals achieved. Talk to people & enroll them into your business. Be consistent with your calling everyday. Be consistent with your sampling everyday. Be consistent with your enrolling every week (at least 3 new!) & your business will explode. You consistency will set you free! Just don't let up until those dreams you have are dusted off, focused on & achieved! Consistency is key!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's There To Think About?

"What's there to think about? The product is a PLUS vitamins, essential minerals & mangosteen. Free enrollment. No more choking down handfuls of pills or gagging nasty tasting jungle juices. No more guessing what to take for optimum nutrition. Just grab your spot & we'll reevaluate later to see what money you are leaving on the table!"
Team ... when you really take a look at the opportunity Vemma offers you, what's there to think about except how many people you can share your One Minute Message with a day, & how many people you can enroll a week by close of biz Thursday? I know --- think about all of the people you will be helping with the fabulous Vemma formula. Think about all of the things you've wanted to do but time or money kept you from doing them. Think about the freedom of time you'll have when you don't have to answer to a boss or punch a time clock. Think about not fighting traffic to get to a job-job. Think about helping others achieve success. Think about "lifestyle"... Vervin' Style!!! Set new goals. Write new lists. Plan your BLITZ PARTIES. Invite everyone to take a look at what you are doing, use the tools (, PLASTER PLAN your area & change your mindset. It's not...I can't find anyone to share the biz with. It's...WHAT'S THERE TO THINK ABOUT? THIS IS HOT!!! LET'S BLITZ!!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Remember the excitement you felt when you tasted your first Verve, experienced first hand the energy & alertness, & immediately started telling your friends & family about it? That "new" excitement is sometimes hard to sustain - especially when "life" pulls at you. Negative family maybe. The 9-5 job gets in the way. Kids are needing your attention more than usual. Or you just want the business to explode over night. That's why you must BLITZ your BIZ 2-3 times a year to keep it fresh, fun & explosive. You've made your plans, written your personal goals, downloaded the Memory Jogger & Prospecting Sheet from, hopped onto the Tuesday night Verve Biz call & Thursday Business Presentation call & even caught a few Smart Start trainings & Wednesday Webinars. You feel ready. Ok...a couple of months pass by, life stuff gets in the way (dentist appointments, family crisis, etc.) You need a kick in the pants business building energized transfusion. You need new people who "get it" & share your enthusiasm. YOU NEED A BLITZ!!! 90 days of laser focused MASSIVE ACTION to kick your business into high gear - get some new people enrolled - a frenzy of activity that creates that all-important magnetic atmostphere that launches your business into MEGA MONEY!!! All it takes is one new hot business builder to get you feeling jazzed! 90 days of working the business everyday - talking to new people - gathering business cards - inviting them to listen to a call, visit your website, attend a Verve "Tasting", enroll into the business & partner up with you to BLAST & BLITZ your area! A BLITZ starts things rolling & gives you a reason to call people, invite people, sample people & really build an empire business that rewards you in "walk-away income" & lifestyle!!! BLITZ IT BABY. From September 2008 - December 2008 give it your all. Set new goals. Write those goals down. Enroll TEN NEW PEOPLE. Hold a weekly Blitz Verve Tasting Party. Plaster your area with flyers & get out there & meet new people. Say "you'd be great in my new business!" Call everyone you know & say, "I'm blitzing right now & I need your help!" Just know you've got a no-brainer product with Verve ... a savvy company ... & people are making mega money already. So BLITZ & ride the wave to the top!!!