Thursday, July 31, 2008


Momentum is very important to building a solid & exciting business for yourself in Network Marketing. And momentum comes from being at the right place at the right time with the right product. It starts with having a rock 'n roll product that catches the wave of what's currently hip & happening in nutrition. In the 1970's it was all about aloe benefits - inside & outside the body. Aloe companies were opening up everywhere - first in Network Marketing, then on store shelves. The 1980's vitamin supplements became main stream. People everywhere were finding the need to supplement, but were often confused with how much of what to take. The 1990's brought on a real awareness of plant-based minerals. And it became clear that mineral deficiency was linked to most disease, so research was popping up everywhere on the importance of supplementing with not only vitamins - but minerals as well. The millenium brought us a slew of "jungle juices" touting exotic stories of being the undiscovered fruit in some rain forest. The stories were over the top (& interesting), but benefits of some juices were found to be real, & antioxidants became the buzz phrase. (Mangosteen is the most powerful, researched & documented for its life enhancing benefits!) The past five years have brought the world of supplementation to a whole new level --- that of liquid nutrition, or what is phrased - Functional Beverages. Liquids infused with nutrients are one of today's biggest trends. Liquids are absorbed & utilized by the body. It's found that pills sit in the gut & don't get absorbed - thus the benefits are minimal. With this new knowledge, Functional Beverages are where nutritional companies need to focus. Beyond the liquid nutrition wave, the biggest wave to hit America - creating the biggest demad - are ENERGY DRINKS. Americans can't get enough of them, & the growth is not slowing down. ($5 billion sold in 2007!) So, with the momentum of liquid nutrition & energy drinks ... Verve can literally be the answer to all of your financial (& health) prayers! Catch this wave & create personal momentum by running hard & fast & focused with building your business. Literally talk to everyone. Hold weekly meetings. Sample Verve everyday. Plug in with the Team Burgess activities. Follow-up with passion, excitement & determination. Know that something this huge & simple comes along only once in a lifetime! This is your chance! Create momentum ... take no prisoners!

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