Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Walk Away Income $$$

I'm writing this week's blog from Istanbul, Turkey while here visiting my son & his family. Most know that wherever my pro basketball player son plays, I get to visit for a week or two. So once a year, either me or both my husband & I get to visit unique places, & every time, we are very thankful for our Vemma business. Why? Because no matter where we are in the world (even on vacations), our business grows & the weekly checks consistently come in via direct deposit. This is what true walk away income opportunity is all about. On the other hand, my vocal teaching business sees no income whenever I leave. If I don't teach, I don't make any money. (Sound familiar?) This is completely opposite from your Vemma business model. And therein lies the magic to residual income (MLM). Like the movie "Field of Dreams" ... "If you build it, they will come!" "They"- in this case - are the weekly bonus checks. Once team members, like yourself, truly understand the power of residual income - of duplication - of this opportunity ... the more committed you'll be to building your business consistently - building long term. Does it happen fast? No. It takes time. But consistent enrolling of new members every week, & helping your team members enroll new members, will see consistent autoships & business building = $$$ for you! I understood this concept of network marketing over 30 years ago. A light bulb went off in my head when I "got it." From that point on, I had to be involved & teach others the power of network marketing. I've always worked from home, raised six great kids, travelled the world, & have made great friends with this business. Those friendships have lasted forever. Everyone can see success with this business, no matter where you live or what your background is, IF you have the desire to succeed & consistently enroll new people onto your team. You have the best product. You have an incredible company being your efforts. And if you don't quite understand this business, the company & upline tools are in abundance. Just plug in - listen to weekly calls - explore our www.teamburgess.com support site - & talk to people. Use the tools - the gift cards - the magazines - the literature - the hotline (678) 298-4595 - your website. Use - talk - enroll. Keep it simple & have fun. Catch the wave & run hard with it! xo

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