Friday, November 21, 2008

Ten in Motion!

Some Will. Some Won't. So What. NEXT! These types of phrases have been mantra's for Network Marketing trainers for decades. In essence this tells you that some people you talk to will see what you see with the business as a true opportunity of a lifetime. Some won't see your vision for one reason or another. So what...pretty much tells you to move on. That's where "next" comes into focus. A true business builder's philosophy is to always have ten in motion ... ten people somewhere in the Prospecting pipeline so that when one pops & says "yes ... sign me up!" ... super! ... now move to the next person. Plug them into the great system with conference calls, website, webinars, events, etc. & keep talking to people. Time to put another person into the Prospecting pipeline so that you always have ten in motion. It's a numbers game & you are always sifting & sorting through your Prospects - never prejudging - recognizing some will ... some won't ... so what ... next! Say out loud everyday ... "the next one's better!" Keeps the blood pumping. Keeps your energy on target & keeps your business fresh & new. Have fun!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Self Motivation

I have found over the 30 year span of my Network Marketing involvement that there are very few individuals who are truly "self motivated." Most people I've seen get involved with this business start out so pumped up & excited --- start immediately talking to everyone they know, hop on the weekly calls & really think big; big goals - big dreams. However, after only a few months involved - a few negative responses ... a few "life" challenges & stumbling blocks - these people lose that "new enthusiasm" & either quit, jump into the next "deal of the day" or "settle" for the little part time money they can pick up where they are trading time for money & lose sight of their ultimate build a business where they can live the life of their dreams! And that saddens me. I think that I have always wanted big time success for these individuals - maybe more than they have wanted it themselves. We coach our team. We call. We email, fax, text, IM, organize a blitz, contests, meetings, etc. But when someone gets out of the motivation mindset, not much can be done...or is there? Yes there is. If you know someone who lacks that inner self motivation, first...get them to take a Verve, then plug them in. Sound familiar? I talk "plugging in" a great deal. And I will continue to do so until our entire team "gets it." All of us - no matter how self motivated we are - have to stay connected & plugged in ... involved so that our batteries are continually being charged! The best motivation is a deadline. That's why we blitz our business. We give ourselves a dead line - from this date to that to sponsor ten new. And when you enroll just ONE new person, guess what? You get re-motivated all over again. Your new person has that same energy you had in the very beginning. And, it's contagious. Just talking to them will get your business building energy & focus back on track! So what is the cure for lack of motivation? Two things. 1) Stay plugged in & 2) Enroll new people into your business ... personally. Call them everyday & catch their enthusiasm & run with it. Quit talking to your down, inactive peeps. They will drag you down. Get new &, again... STAY PLUGGED IN! xo

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's Thursday!

When I first got involved with Vemma, a little over a year ago, I set a goal for myself that I actually achieved. That goal was to enroll three (3) new members into Vemma by the close of volume for the week on Thursday night. The product has no competition & is very smart, so I felt (& feel) that there was a place for everyone in the company. Most I enrolled just love the product & consistently "use" the product as members, never really build the business, but totally enjoy the benefits of this amazing formula. A few have enrolled others as members under them. And a couple have rolled up their sleeves & have started to build their own teams. Like I said, I feel there is a place for everyone. Setting that little goal of enrolling three by Thursday night has built me a consistent business of autoships, sprinkled with a couple of part timers & business builders. It's been awesome! I suggest that each of you do the same thing. As they say..."a deadline is the best motivator" ... so set that Thursday night deadline for yourself. You see, it's been my experience over the past 30+ years in MLM, that people are pretty much procrastiners. They don't have to punch a time clock - or answer to anyone - so they put off building the business. They may start out all gung ho, but soon dwindle out & wonder why they aren't making any money. Just set that little goal to enroll three by Thursday & pretty soon you'll have a thriving, consistent business that will get you excited! New people bring new energy to your business. You can have a bad day - bad week - & suddenly you enroll a new person & are all pumped again. So...I repeat...enroll three new by Thursday every week & you will love the results! xo